Reinventing Your Exit
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Saturday, March 6, 2010
A' Levels bomb 

Hello there. Anyway, I thought I should just update a little bit about my life. So A' Levels results were uhhm.. alright. I guess. I mean it was bad lah but it wasn't so cham that I have nowhere to go. So you can say I'm really contented for my results looking at the amount hardwork I've put in.

I was pretty pleased with my results because I already knew my Economics was GG. One essay was out of point (I used macro policies for micro essay. Don't ask how it was even possible, I don't know too -.-), another was incomplete (like only-halfway-done incomplete, not even those no-time-to-write-conclusion incomplete) and the last one was alright but not-quite-accurate-even-though-I-still-can-borderline-pass kind. So you get the point, my results for Economics is quite GG too.

Management of Business was nicely done too (for me at least, away from the standards of the social norms). Judging the fact that it was much more a Law paper. Almost 70% of the questions are related to the law.

My results for Principle of Accounting is like I can cry till I die that kind. Super touched and happy. Whooo! Erm, because I'm in the at-risk list ah, so yeah.. I am super :DD about my grade.

General Paper is another one which I can cry till I die. Passed not too shabbily. Not good lah, but not bad. Mr Wong said he was happy with my GP grade, or at least I think he did. Maybe I imagined it. Nah.. I think he really did say that.

But anyway, GP was the worst subject to tackle for me. While POA is like if you really chiong, you still can chiong for a few grades jump, that is if you have room for improvement lah. At least that's what is happening to me. GP is totally like heng/suai madness kind. Then I have only 4 points for my GP essay because I've no time to squeeze in another paragraph. I went to those forums, people all have like at least 6 seemingly WHOA! points when I only got 4 common sensical points. So yeah. Still managed to scrap a nice grade. This shows that we commoners (talking about myself) better not act smart when we are not smart because I really wanted to throw in an-out-of-the-world kind of point just to try my luck. Then I realised I shouldn't "try my luck" during A' Levels.

Anyway, if anyone who managed to come across this post and felt that I'm being showoffy, I'm not. I am just very happy because of my GP and POA (even though still quite bad but got 3 grads jump leh thank you very much). And actually MOB too because I thought I did fine. It still sounds showoffy but really, I'm not because..

I can only squeeze into NIE or SIM. Hahahha. Stupid Economics. Lol.

But Hannie approves ^^

Zac attacked @ 5:01 PM

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Shawty Shawty 

I don't know why my latest posts are all Hankyung related! Anyway, I've started working on 4th February :D It means more $$$ rolling in for me yay. First day was this really random training but it was alright because at least I get to do something.

But the second day there was practically insane. I get paid for playing Tap Tap Revenge with Sheryl, flipping through random newspapers, watching videos, pressing random buttons on the vending machine, stuffing myself with food and just stoning. We were dilligently slacking our time away.

Well. If this is what work is supposed to be like, I seriously don't mind :D

Zac attacked @ 3:29 PM

Friday, January 29, 2010
Super Show 2 in Beijing 

"This is SJ’s first time holding a concert in Beijing, and also the first super show without Han Geng. Therefore, there were changes in some of the performances, like cancelling Han Geng’s solo, Super Junior M performing with only 6 members, and the dance battle that comprises of EunHyuk, ShinDong and HanGeng was changed to EunHyuk, ShinDong, DongHae and Sungmin. The VCR also underwent changes, leaving out most of HanGeng’s footage.

Although the people were not present, fans still gave their support. Fansigns for Han Geng were lit, and before the concert started, fans were screaming Han Geng, Kibum, Kangin, the members that were unable to turn up. Once the VCR showed Han Geng, fans started screaming, and when the concert came to an end, while one end shouted encore, the other shouted ‘Han Geng’. And when it was SJ-M turn to perform "Blue Tomorrow", Han Geng’s name was once again shouted."

Extract from and translated by Lunny.

I shall start my
fangirl rant now.

So the Super Show 2 in Beijing which was held on 23rd January 2010 and though it ended well with only 10 members, I am really unhappy. Not about Hankyung, I mean I am lah but at least I'm not angry over his issue. It's more of a depressing, disheartening emotion.

I don't like how Kangin isn't present for the SS2 Beijing. I know he's gotten a fight and I know he's had a DUI case just a month after that incident but SME stated that he would only be suspended from the activities but heck it's already the end of the first month of 2010 and why is he not there?! D: And the passengers he crashed in the car only suffer from minor injuries and they what so whyyyyyy.

But not so much about Kibum because at least he's having fun in the USA. Sings "Yeahhhh!!~ It's a party in the USA!~" :D

But anyway. The dances and everything were heavily rearranged.

What is "Sorry, Sorry" without Hankyung this sliding thing where Hankyung leads a few of the members doing this "sitting on the air while rubbing your chin" motion DD: He wasn't there to turn and nod his head DDD: He wasn't there to do this low five thing with Eunhyuk DDDD:

Really. What is "Sorry, Sorry" with Hankyung leading the team into a grand entrance in the form of pyramid? But now it became such an ugly quadrangle D:

"Don't Don" was kind of screwed up too. I think Sungmin had to replace Hannie's position in the dance battle? And Heechul was so left out because he couldn't do this fight with our Hannie ): But the dance was really cute lah, because of Shindong's hairrrr! I couldn't stop ROFLMAO hahahahahha. It was really funnnnnyyyyy! Like this dry ice machine totally blown Shindong's hair in to a spikey mushroom HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

But still, I hated how some "fans" reacted by chanting their stupid chant when baby Henry broke the fight with his (awesome!) violin skills. Just get over it!!! He's not joining Super Junior plus it's not his fault to be in the music video anyway. And without him, "Don't Don" would be such a less interesting song! He is so talented. And awesome. And cute!!! He inspires me to pick up violin too :D But I'm too busy with my commitments already ):

This list goes on and on and on. And on. And onnn ..

Super Junior M's Super Girl

I hate it.
Stupid gap where Hankyung is supposed to be
is glaring at me.

Umma wasn't there to raise his hand from 1:14 to 1:17,
right in the middle front
while Appa and the other children
are doing the side swinging thing
like he was supposed to be.

Umma wasn't there at the middle front for the 97%
of the time when there is no solo parts to be sung
like he was supposed to be.

Umma wasn't there to
"丢掉快丢掉吧 忘掉快忘掉吧 醒来快醒来吧"
while doing this super cute hand swift back turn thing
like he was supposed to.

Super Junior's Shining Star

Even Heechul who never cries cried :'(
He doesn't just tear but totally broke down.

And this is damn obvious why they totally
bawled their eyes out.

Hankyung and Heechul have always been so close ..
Like one of the closest couple in Suju ..
Points to the video below.

(I don't know why there's a big gap here.)

This is super sad T.T
Especially these two.

"In China, the one always keeps his eyes on me
and said that he missed me but never stop to
strike back at me when we talked on the phone: Geng.
In Korea, the one who picked up the phone with happiness
but there was only strikes on the phone: Hee."


"In all 12 members, there's only one who
can stare at Heechul: Geng.
In all 12 members, there's only one who
can hit Hankyung: Hee."

I think 12 members means that
they exclude themselves?
As in you don't and can't
stare or hit at yourself?

Why is this so heartbreaking T.T
And if that is not sad enough,
there's always this.

So basically Shindong (and the other members)
lied to Eunhyuk and Ryeowook
that he is leaving Super Junior due to
better career propects.

Even though all this drama happened
just to collect Eunkyuk and Ryeowook's tears,
looking at how the Sper Junior
members' cried breaks my heart.

Kyuhyun 04:46 to 05:32 -
"We've all have tiring times.
But what is this? I really want to work
With all of you and overcome my injuries"
This is very sad T.T

"We must never let this
happen in the future.
Even if it does,
we must never part."

I don't know about you,
but this video seems
to be like rubbing salt on the wounds now ):

Such a cute dork :}

한경오빠사랑해 (♥ 정희린)


Zac attacked @ 5:47 PM

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Hannie Spam 

My favourite hairstyle of all time! :D

Why is Hannie so cute. Why T.T

Totally made my day ~
And I have a bunny hung to my camera too.
Bunny loves!

Umma trying to help Appa, but it's not working.
Mimi is totally enjoying the scene. Cute, no?
Bad Mimi. Lol.

Umma & Appa love. Aww.

Super Girl

Oh my super girl 오직나의 baby girl
Oh my super girl 너에게난 super man

Oh my super girl ojik naye baby girl
nŏrŭl molla bonŭn gŭrŏn namjadŭri baboya
Oh my super girl nŏyege nan super man
sarangiran gamok soge nŏrŭl gŭnyang bŏryŏ dujima

Anyway the only reason I put this up
is because anyone notice that

Hankyung is wearing Zhou Mi's dance outfit
in the transformation scene?
Like the jacket and the pants.

I know Henry and Hankyung have similar
jackets at dancing scene with the grey background
but they have different details leh.
I pause and rewind and forward like gazillion time already.

Zhou Mi's jacket
have the flaps with button thing at the shoulders,
a zipped pocket on his left chest,
this woolish collars without actual collars (errr yeah..)

It fits the description of Hankyung's jacket
at the party scene.


Zac attacked @ 4:20 PM

Friday, January 8, 2010
Hankyung, my latest potato. 

Disclaimer: I honestly don't think that anyone except me would ever be interested in this post because I totally understand how dry and boring for one to read about another's obsession. It's like "Oh great, she's gotten herself another idol," moment and this repeats every other time. I know this very well because this happens to me too, sometimes. But after getting over the fact that she's gotten a new target, not only that I don't blame them, I feel happy for them on the contrary because I know how exciting this can get. As little (maybe not that little anymore, sigh) fangirls, we do not care (at least for me anyways) about what others think because blogging about them totally makes us (again, at least for me) HAPPPYYYYY! and feeling very loved :D

*** ***

So if you know me, you would probably realise that I get new obsessions pretty fast. But I reckon this whole process of hopping on to new obstacles would be on some hiatus for quite a long while. It's like collecting stamps, if you get what I mean. Once you've gathered that *one* stamp from each collection, there's nothing more to look forward to because you've already got what you think is the best.

I don't know if this theory actually made sense for anyone else but it definitely worked for me. It's like I've got Aska from Taiwan, Moses from Hong Kong, Elvin from Singapore, Tom Felton from England.

The reason why the process of hopping on to new obstacles can probably stop for a while is because I don't just happen to be obsessed this new person just like that. Of course there's always this unexplainable force that causes me to like this human but ultimately, I get to decide whether I want him to be my potato or not. If after some random findings made me realised that he's plain boring (like Mr. Efron hehe but he makes a got layout header so I'm going to stick with that) I would just forget about him and carry on with my life.

Even though there's quite a number potatoes that I'm loving right now, something in me would make pay 90% of my attention on this particular obstacle only. The rest of the 10% would be dedicated in following on the rest's latest updates so that I won't lost touch with them completely. Like how I would know Moses just shaved his moustache off (yippee! I totally dig those little hairs around the mouth but without them, he looks so much younger and much more healthy looking :D).

Anyway after the longish introduction, I confess that the purpose of this post is because I am totally addicted to Hankyung right now, who is my latest potato! :D

Hankyung 한경, 25.
Chinese name: Han Geng 韩庚
Affectionately known as Hannie.

I don't really know whether I should categorise him under Korea or China actually, but I felt that if he's not in the Korean entertainment industry, nobody would ever know him. So yeah, I've decided on Korea ^^ Hehe. But something inside keeps nudging me that he's not from Korea after all. Neh mind, I'll decide on this later but for the time being, he shall be labelled under Korea because he is based there whooo.

So I started liking him almost two weeks ago (it was on the 26th of December) when I was flipping through the channels. Some two girls were dancing to the tune of "Super Girl" on Yu Le Bai Fen Bai and I stopped abusing the controller because I kinda like the song because the MTV Channel at 51 wouldn't stop playing it. So after some more of the boring performance of the two girls, the camera panned over to Super Junior M (I'm going to omit the hyphen because I hate how it looks) and I was like "Eh.. They looked quite cute."

And then the host asked for their comment for their performance and I totally melted when Hankyung spoke. He got the cutest laugh ever and really dazzling smile and his eyes were sparkling with such soothing voice and then he's really tall with nice skin and cute hair and charming outfit on and the list goes on and on and on. And on. I cannot summarise his awesomeness in these few lines because. He. Is. Amazing.

About Hankyung

The first part about how he was masked was really sad.
The second part is totally cute.
"Are~ You~ Ready?~" :D
But the third part at the end was a tear jerker.
Love how Siwon hugged Hankyung.
He really needed it ):
Umma and appa! T.T
And Hankyung's mum is pretty!

After watching this video, I got really angry. I hate how SM Entertainment can be so unfair and selfish. I hate how Hankyung has gotten sick and his health is really declining due to his non-stop working schedule. He's gotten gastritis and kidney illness. Kidney leh, kidney! How many people you know are suffering from this at the age of 25 huh?!

He's not allowed to take a break even when he's sick. He's not allowed to return to China for a short rest. He's not getting paid like how he should have been. All the 13 members of Super Junior are allowed to share a mere 2% of the net profit only when they sold 50000 copies of their album and even though SuJu is huge now in terms of popularity, I really doubt that they get to even share the 2%. Heck, he's not allowed his fair treatments as a human, as agreed upon the contract. And even the contract is crafted in favour of SME because they only do care about their profits.

But what angered me the most is that neither the ambulance was called nor any treatments were given to Hankyung when he collapsed just before Super Junior M's performance. He had to hold on to appa (I love you Siwon!) for his life and even with all the pain, he was pushed to the stage by SME. Not that the members didn't complain. They did, even the crews as well (I love you all too!). But guess what. SME were only concerned about the money it could bring or cost them if he doesn't perform. Hankyung could have died, like right on the spot, but they just didn't care. Everytime I think about this, I feel like crying.

I am so glad that Hankyung has taken an action to file a lawsuit against SM Entertainment. At first, I really hoped that this didn't happen because I want Super Junior to be 13 always. But once I get over the shock, I knew this is the best decision that he could make. He had suffered so much in silence ever since Super Junior debuted. When he thought things were getting better after he was allowed to perform at other TV channels, his health declined. And the bitch of SME covered his health problems and pretended that they do not exist. It really pains me when I read about what he has been through and I really hope that he would lead a better life, have a fairer career because he truly deserves all these and not many people do.

Anyway, today, as of 8th January 2010, is the first day of the trial. 한경오빠화이팅, 사랑해! Okay I don't know whether I've typed it correctly but the to think of the hard work I've put in just to type this, even if they are wrong, I ngeh ngeh also must put them up T.T

I can't understand a single word of Hangul. I can't, I really can't. And I just started out exploring this language starting from the 4th January, which is like four days ago. I have to download the Hangul dictionary and the language to my computer and find it word by word. I would then, have to double check by cross referencing but I've a feeling it might still be wrong. But to use Hankyung's famous excuse to get away with anything "I'm just a foreigner!" :D

I don't know why I am getting angrier as I am typing this. This should have been a happy post about Hankyung's awesomeness and not about how a crazy bith SME has been. This further proves that I always get too defensive for my own good. So I shall just move on with the happier stuff.

Even as a child, Hankyung is super cute :D And look at his hair, exactly the same hairstyle he had in the "Sorry, Sorry" music video twenty years later! See, this is fate ^^

Evidence #1: "Sorry, Sorry" music video.

Anyway he's at the center front when they
started dancing 0:20 till 0:35.
Pause at 0:27 to see the hair :D

Evidence #2

Evidence #3

Hankyung's Bei Pan at Super Show 2

I really don't understand why
he doesn't have much lines in the Super Junior songs.
This video proves that he can sing.
He really sang very well here leh.
And you can see the efforts he put in to sing.
Like his neck has gotten all red
and the veins are showing..

Maybe you think Kyuhyun, Ryeokwood and Yesung can do better..
But you already got your KRY for that what.
So why you ngeh ngeh also don't want to give others chance?
Like Heechul and Shindong, and even Eunhyuk too.

Okay, my plan to move on to happier stuff failed afterall. I cannot stop being angry at SME. So I shall just leave with my favouritest picture of Hannie which is the one he took with Heechul when they were having a bath! I don't know if they were fully naked but this picture is yums! Me loves :D

Remember that the whole of 1.4 billion of the Chinese population in China and me are behind you ♥

(Of course also got others from the rest of the world
but it sounded more impressive like that hehe :D)


Zac attacked @ 5:48 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010
Last moments of 2009 

During the last two weeks of 2009, I had activities, not loads but at least there's something as compared to post A' Levels when I've only planted myself infront of the computer and TV all day long. I've been wanting to post but I always got distracted by Hankyung :D

There's camp from 16th to 19th December 2009

I like my arm for once.
And I like how Songyang is caught in the midst of standing up.

I think Melvin and I were actually stoning
and I don't know what happened but
the rest joined in and Chuandao took a photo.
I don't know why am I even in this shot
as I was totally zoning out due to major exhaustion.

The only reason why I put this up
is because my limbs look fine :D

Birthday celebration with the birthday boy and
Christmas gathering at Jurong Island on 19th December 2009

Stepping on the grounds of Jurong Island
was wayyyyy more tedious than going to USA.
I'm serious about it
and nobody within us will ever disagree with me.

Christmas dinner on 20th December 2009

I think we are the receptionists.
It's definitely a better name for the tickets-cutter.

Hosanna (:

Of course I went shopping too but it's like abit sad because I've only been out twice technically speaking with Lingxuan and Ruiqi.

And once with Benny.

Miss the three of them alot now and we must go out again. But this is very sad again because Benny would be armying soon and this means that he will have super short hair which also means that I will not like him anymore ): But seeing that he saved my right eye so I shall be nice (A).

Must meet up real soon with the Vegetables. Later I forget how they look like. Gasp! Noooooooooo. So someone shall plan! Who who who? Meiling? Aiyah we plan ours first before the group outing okays. Argh. But Meiling now not free for me. Arghh. Actually I also not very free lah but aiyah. Arghhh. Then like that how, we don't need to meet already? Arghhhh.

My husband and my son. I asked my son to plan but I don't know what happened but now I am the planner because he just texted me to plan while wishing me Happy New Year. Neh mind. I shall sort something out before the boys go camping in Tekong. Ang Mo Kio can? Easy come easy go bwahaha. Anyway, my son was supposed to be my brother but don't know why the his Facebook account doesn't want to accept me as the sibling so I got upgraded to become the mother instead. But I'd rather be the mother anyway. Only child rocks.

My boyfriend too. Okay this is different. This one I must go back to MI to take results for my GCE A' Levels then I can go stalk people. I can help the one who loves Elvin very much too to stalk hers also. So yay this is settled.

And Sara. I haven't give him his eyeliner since I bought it from my Okinawa trip in 2008! And goodness. This is 2010 already and I. Might. Have. Misplaced. It. But I'm very scared to meet him. Later he shaved his eyebrows again like what he did when we were in Year 1. Or he will have this super bright orange hair like last year. Or maybe his new girlfriend gets jealous super easily and I will die I tell you. Dieee. Ohhh! Today is 1st January, it's his birthday! So this shall be his birthday present from me.

Need to go shopping with Xuanrong! We've been saying this since June's wedding which was in June I think (LOL :D) She is super crazy (me likes :D) and she finished her O' Levels and I finished my A' Levels already whooo! But school is starting soon for her I think :\

And it has been veryveryvery long since I met Lanna and Jingyi and Camillia. We must find a day after my twin is back from her USA trip okayyyyy? :D

Huiyi and Serene as well ahhhhh! Been ages and we can always go to our usual hangout which is the Sakae Sushi outlet at Sun Plaza. You all want Pastamania or Yakun also can wheee.

And then I also want to meet up with Rachel and Azizah too leh.

*** ***

Anyway I announced to the world that I got distracted by Hankyung in the opening paragraph of this post because he is absolutely the cutest member in the cutest boyband in the Korean Pop industry! :D

Hankyung ♥ 한경 ♥ Hangeng ♥ 韩庚

More about him and how I started liking him
(which was abit silly, I admit and
I don't care nobody ever reads it)
in the next post because I'm watching his video
now when SuJu - M went on 綜藝大哥大
to promote their EP.
He is such a good dancer. Melts.

Gosh. I wanna buy ^^
EPs shouldn't be veryyyy expensive right?
I hope.

Zac attacked @ 9:07 PM

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Filming of 天與地 

I am definitely looking forward to 天與地 now that I've completed 宮心計! I think my holidays have been really satisfying and fulfilling eh. But since 天與地 is still in the midst of filming, I can only look at all the pictures and stills very dryly.

Filming at Central

Neh mind. I can always photoshop my face to replace hers.
Then keep on sharpening so that it would be abit pixelated to make it noisy.
But then the uncle spoilt the whole picture! ):

Super ♥ this!

Anyway, the reason why I want to watch it super badly (even worse than 宮心計) is because I totally enjoy seeing him all ripped up and toned and moustachey and everything lah aiyah. He looks quite rough and angsty all together because he is gonna be a baddie for once whooo! Totally love it when my favourite actors when their characters have all gone bad.

Let me digress abit ah. So he played a really weird character named 韋晉龍 once in 通天幹探. He went from good to bad and back to good again. The LOL-ish part is that he was a righteous CID officer or something and the reason to why he became bad is that he is too obsessed with his girlfriend's death, so he went to kill some gay who killed her and end up getting jailed for it. So after he was sentenced and just before he was jailed, he realised his mistake and went to turn over a new leaf and then became very holy and became a veryyyy devoted Buddhist and everyday in jail, he will preach to all his other inmates until he is finally free to live happily ever after with his girlfriend (another one, not the dead one. They've gotten together just before he was jailed because she say she will wait for him to come out) and their son who was born when his Dad was still being locked. So the drama ended with the happy family playing by the beach and they threw alot of rocks and stones.

The drama was all along quite interesting but the last episode was total madness.

So yeah, he's gonna be very bad person who went mountain climbing with his friends and were trapped. So they've no choice but to eat (!!) up one of the friends who was sick/hurt so that the rest can survive.


Not very sane afterall lor.
But me like! Heheh.
My boyfriend is a maneater literally whooo ! :D

Besides, eating some human flesh, Momo's character will be very rich (!), do some Thai kickboxing (!!), be in a band for playing the guitar and being the lead singer (!!!) and got alot of girlfriends/women/flings (!!!!) and will 騙財騙色 (!!!!!) ROFLMAO :D

I am super touched and I really can't wait for this to be aired can. Awww (': I don't know why I'm touched lah but it feels super good to see him differently because he will be sooo hot (and cute) ♥

Anyway, I'm off to camp tomorrow from 16 December till 19 December. Don't know how am I going to survive the 4 days without TV and the internet! And yes, this will mean that I will miss 3 episodes the Gem of Life and Together! )': Veryvery sad.

I an very hungry now and I shall have some dinner! Bye people and miss meeeeee T.T

Zac attacked @ 7:11 PM

Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Gem of Life 

Today's 10 December 2009!
And this means ..

The Gem of Life!
Weekdays on Channel 55 at 9pm

(Channel 255 at 12 midnight for me
because of Together's Elvin Ng)

So Edwin (my guru of HK dramas) told me that this drama isn't very very very nice considering the hype and all ): Okay, I don't know about the hype lah, I don't pay much attention to all the drama serials and the only reason why I'm watching it is because of a certain actor :D

I haven't watch a single episode of it except a super short snippet of a clip of Momo and I thought he's cuuutteee. I don't care if the show isn't great. The fact that Momo is there serves a pretty big motivator to keep me watching whooo.

On a random switch of topic, this song has been stuck inside my head when I first saw the music video on YouTube around 4 months ago? I kinda forgot about the song until recently, prolly 2 months back when I was again, surfing videos on the same site and such.

Pixie Lott's Mama Do

Why should I feel ashamed?
Feeling guilty at the mention of your name
Here we are again
It’s nearly perfect

I can totally relate to that. Sigh.

Zac attacked @ 8:13 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Holidays are (Y) 

I'm loving my holidays alot. I'm waking up at 1 to 2 pm everyday, and life is tremendously good like this. I really like doing nothing, except to camp infront of the computer and television and to eat. After that, I'll proceed to sleep at midnightish after reading a few chapters of Harry Potter.

So I admit that life hasn't been like boring boring because I was thoroughly traumatised yesterday night and have been living in pain ever since. But I was told that I am brave (Y) Been swallowing painkillers and antibiotics every six hours in addition to my daily routine as depicted above. Had to give the class chalet and some gatherings a miss as a result ):

Anyway, I've got really good pictures to share! Elvin is looking very fine in Together which is airing at 9pm everyday. Even though I'm not much of a big fan of local dramas (I prefer HK ones totally), but got Elvin leh. A must-watch for me :D


Zac attacked @ 7:02 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Done with A' Levels! 

My A' Levels have finally ended whooo.
So I'm back yay.
I realised I didn't complete any of my papers whooo.
Not a single one yay.
Not GP. Not POA. Not MOB. Not Economics. Whooo.
Abit sad to think of it yay.

Zac attacked @ 4:16 PM

The Loves

Dorothy Tay
11 January 1990

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Designed Dorothy
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